Friday, November 11, 2005


This blog is about ideas. I come up with them all the time. Being a Sick person, I sometimes have a unique perspective on things. It is a pleasant past time this coming up with ideas and speculating on the future. Sometime the conceptualization of the idea is much more pleasant than the execution of the idea. It would take me many lifetimes to implement even a fraction of the ideas that I have. I try to focus my energies on the ideas that I have and the opportunities that I may be best able to leverage.

Today I went to a seminar which talked about PodCasting. Interesting idea. Taking audio content off the web and downloading it to an iPod or another mp3 device. The real idea is freeing your self from needing to sit in front of your computer. I already had a wireless broadband router. Wouldn't it make sense that I could take my music files or audio files - books on tape, interviews, motivational speeches and put them on a playlist that my wireless router could broadcast to my stereo. I already have wireless speakers that I could plug in outside on the patio and really get away from the computer. This may require some hardware modifications, but the idea is that consumers want to be liberated from their computer desktop. I see that as a product idea looking for a manufacturer and a marketer.

I appreciate your thoughts and hope that I have inspired you to come up with some new ideas and together we'll make a better future.


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